We offer a wide range of FIRE HYDRANT SYSTEM and YARD HYDRANTS with all required accessories. Some of the feature of this systems are as follows –
The Hydrant System comprises of AC motor driven pump sets with all required accessories including valves, instrumentation and controls etc. Complete in all respects. The hydrant system is kept charged by pressurized water at approx. 7 Kg. Cm. Sq. at all times. In the event of fire when any of the hydrant valves in the network is opened, the resultant fall in pressure system is enabling starting the AC MOTOR driven fire water pumping set through pressure switches automatically. One diesel engine pump shall be standby pump serving hydrant system. Apart from the automatic starting of the pump sets, provision shall be kept for manual starting also.
Hydrants inside the building is furnished with required accessories such as hose pipes with instantaneous GM couplings and GM branch pipes located in hose cabinets. The hose cabinets is wall / column mounting type, constructed out of mild steel sheets.
The internal hydrants (Landing valves) is single headed type taken out from 150/100 mm dia riser through suitable reducer. The outlets is gun metal and confirm to IS: 5290. HT Hose reels is firmly held against the wall by suitable heavy brackets and supports. The hose reel is swinging type (180 deg.) and the entire Dum reel etc. is as per IS: 3876. The rubber tubing is best quality and the nozzle is 6 mm dia. Shut off type. The equipment shall be out of one of the approved makes.
The hydrant main is laid in the form of ring main. The hydrant risers is terminated with air release valves at the highest points to release the trapped air in the pipe work.